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Which Is Better: A Wire Bottom Cage Or Solid?

Wire bottom cages are very debatable... Personally here are Little Dandy Rabbitry we have all are rabbits on solid flooring and prefer to keep it that way. However, many people prefer wire bottom cages apposed to solid bottom cages. This is totally your opinion whether or not you would like to use wire bottom cages or solid! To answer the question "Which is better, a wire bottom cage or solid?" we are going to leave this completely up to you! Both sides will have good and bad things suggested about them, it is your decision to chose what you feel is best!


Wire Bottom Cages PROS

-Rabbits raised on wire floors may be healthier and have better growth rates

-Some studies have even found that, given a choice, rabbits may choose wire mesh floors over other substrates.

-A rabbit with good bone structure and thick fur pads on its feet is not likely to develop sore hocks in a clean cage with a proper wire floor.

-Provides plenty of air flow


Wire Bottom Cages CONS

-Can cause sore hocks 

-Can give some small animals infections in feet.

-Uncomfortable to sleep on.


Solid Bottom Cages PROS

-Rabbit can lay down comfortably 

-Gives the rabbit a solid place to stand

-Helps to prevent sore hocks


Solid Bottom Cages CONS

-Rabbit is in constant contact with the bedding.

-Inevitably become contaminated with urine and faeces.

-Ammonia is heavier than air, they may be exposed to a higher level of ammonia fumes being down in the bedding.

-Kick bedding out onto the floor, get it stuck in their fur, or eat it (most substrates are not good for their tummies). 



"Wire Floors." Shiny Satins Rabbitry: Raising Quality Satin and Mini Satin Rabbits. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 July 2017.

Which Is Better: A Wire Bottom Cage Or Solid?: FAQ
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